Friday 30 January 2015

Various cooking methods that make modern cooking easier, faster and comfortable

Nowadays, lifestyle of people has changed to a great extent. Now people have a busy life and different eating habits from the older times. With the lifestyles of people, the kitchens of the modern times have also changed dramatically. Now, people have a lot more options to cook food unlike the old times when they only had the option of wood and coal fire. Now, they can choose more convenient and easy to use methods of cooking food in a healthy way. Here are discussed some of the modern day cooking methods used in today’s kitchens.

Gas stoves

Gas stoves have been used in modern kitchen from a long time. They are best for the people who prefer the traditional way of cooking food such as wood and coal fire without the problems associated with it. The gas stoves provide you very good control over cooking as they allow you to adjust the flames, and hence the heat supplied to food with a turn of knobs. The gas stoves are available in various designs and sizes to suit the needs and requirements of every kitchen. You have glass top gas stoves, marble tops gas stoves, stainless steel gas stoves and several other designs to give your kitchen an aesthetic look. The gas stoves are also available in different numbers of burners ranging from one burner and go up to five and even six burners. In order to find best gas stoves in India, you can check out the online stores as they offer you the best variety at best prices. 

Induction stoves

Induction stoves are the latest innovation in the field of cooking appliances. It is a highly advanced device that works on electromagnetic induction. With induction stoves, we get fireless cooking as induction cooker does not involve any fire for cooking. Instead, it converts the cooking utensil itself into a heat producing appliance. The heat supply of the induction stoves is very precise so they are very energy efficient as no energy is wasted. The only problem is that you cannot use your regular pots and pans on an induction stove. You need cookware that has perfectly flat base and is made from ferrous materials. You can easily adjust the temperature in an induction stove in very less time. They are even better than the gas stove when it comes to heat control.

Electric stoves

Electric stoves have a heating coil that produces heat with the help of electricity. Although the electric stoves are not efficient as compared to gas stoves or induction stoves as there is a huge wastage of energy in electric stove, but still they are used at some places where there is unavailability of gas for fuel. The electric stoves are also not very safe to use and prone to accidents, hence you need to be extra careful while using them.

With so many cooking options, you cannot only make your cooking better but also easier, faster and comfortable.


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