Thursday 5 March 2015

Kitchen Hobs for All

Kitchen hobs are the best and classy part of a kitchen. With its sleek designs, cooking on them is a fun and easy experience. Flat surface and simple design, makes it very easy to clean and it will fit in your kitchen without taking much space. There are primarily two major types of kitchen hobs that are widely available in Indian markets; they are induction hobs and gas hobs. Both the types have their own advantages and disadvantages. Simply, the wrong choice according to your requirements makes you realize all the disadvantages and the right choice reveals the many advantages of these units. Let us hence understand both the units, so that a right choice can be made.

Induction Hobs

Induction hobs use a basic scientific process called induction, where the heat is transferred from one point to other with help of electricity. While the induction hobs use electricity, they are very energy efficient and safe. As there is no use of live flames to cook your food, induction hobs have no chance of catching fire and hence they prove to be the safest cooking equipment. The heat is transferred from the base directly to the utensil made of conducting material like stainless steel, which means that your choice of utensils become limited. Also due to its completely flat surface with no burners projecting out from the unit, cleaning takes just one wipe. Induction units would also look the best as it fits in perfectly and looks like a part of the cabinet top. Sleek design, energy efficiency, safety and ease, of the induction hobs would make you think that it is the best option for your kitchen; however, in times of power failure you would surely wish that you had an alternate option.

Gas Hobs

Gas hobs run on LPG and it uses flames to cook the food. This means there is no need of electricity and no power failure can make you go hungry. However, you need to take care and properly maintain the gas source to avoid accidents. They are also energy efficient if sensible cooking is done. The flames provide correct temperature and the controls allow you to make changes to suit your cooking style. Gas hobs do have burners, but they can be removed easily and washed. As it uses flammable gases and flames, it should be kept away from small children at all times. Chefs and houses around India prefer gas hobs due to perfect cooking and hygienic food.

As we pointed out earlier they both have their own advantages and disadvantages; the right choice matters. Gas hobs work best for Indian style dishes and do not need electricity. However, induction can be a power saving option if your area does not go through power failures. You can go online to shop for the best kitchen hobs in India, as there are a variety of designs and shipment facilities for any place in India. Go through many models and companies, but choose the right one that suits perfectly with your requirements. Choose wisely and you will never regret your decision.


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